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E​cybermission Project

In this project, we were to come up with a hypothesis on a topic of our choice that helped the community. We chose the topic of health and fitness relating to brain function. For our project we analyzed subjects memory before and after participating in a short physical activity.   In order to make the project work, there was a lot of thinking to be done. As you see at the right, there were steps we had to draw out, and follow. All of these steps were written out by planning and fiugring out how we could prove our hypothesis. I feel this is showing the skills of a complex thinker because I was able to concentrate in order to complete this project.

#3.Complex Thinker

Anthem Debate


In this debate, we were assigned to a topic, which is the choice of a uniformed society vs. free society. In relation to Ayn Rand's "Anthem" we debated on which type of society would be better.  Being on the side of a free society, I had to come up with things that were beneficial to the community that being in a uniformed society woud other wise not have. Also, I would have to think of the many come backs that the opposition would have in order to be ready to answer. Being that this is a debate, I think  I have shown to be a complex thinker while debating against those in fa

Definition: Able to concentrate and solve problems when needed

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