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Macbeth Acting- 

In this part of English class, we were reading and watching William Shakespeare's "Macbeth". In an assignment during class, we were to come up with a script that covered the whole book, as a summary. I chose this activity to show you that I am an effective communicator because of the different ways I communicate to others. For instance, in this assignment I communicated through acting without actually speaking to the people I wanted to reach. 

Kc3 Project-

In the Kids Creating Community Content Project, we created a presentation based on a topic ongoing in the state oh Hawaii. Our topic of the cost of living in Hawaii covered many different subtopics such as food, housing and gas cost, which we had to communicate through live video chat to a different school. Being able to take part in and complete this project is why I feel I am an effective communicator: by being able to communicate through technology. 

Definition: Can communicate effectively with different people/ subjects.

#5. Effective Communicator

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