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Morning Bulletin Production-

In the picture above, a lady is anchoring for a news station. This and every news station must run as a team to get the news out to the people. In my example, I am not a newscaster, but a member of the team of many morning bulletin's at our school. There are two different roles: Producer, who instructs, and films the bulletin; and the two anchors who anchor for the bulletin and do whatever else the producer tells him/her to do. By being in many of these groups, I believe I have been a community contributor. I learned how to  work with a group and understand how important equal input from each of us on the team is.

Volleyball- (you don't need to watch the whole thing)

For this example of being a community contributor, I have used the sport of volleyball. In the video above, you see how it is a team sport, and that you rely on each other in order to win. This can relate to being a community contributor because in order to successfully play this sport, you much be able to work with your teammates, and understand what their abilities are and how to work with them. Then, all of your teammates must put in close to the same amount of effort in order for the court to flow. By knowing how to work with my teammates, I believe I exemplified being a community contributor.

Definition: Being able to work with a group & understanding equal input of each          person

#2. Community Contributor

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