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English Trailer


In this project we worked in a group to produce a Science Fiction Trailer. From the beginning, storyboarding was difficult to come up with something new and not cliche that was within the guidelines. I picked this video to show how I am a quality producer because of the quality of this video. There are effects, the lighting is good, and more. The only thing that needed improvement would be the storyboard, where it was only slightly confusing. 

#4. Quality Producer

Final Cut Testing Video

I chose this video to show that I am a quality producer because of mainly the storyboard. In this assignment, I had to produce a video in which we had to match it to a certain emotion or mood that we were assigned. In this video, there is a girl who is effected by the movies she watches. She turns paranoid, and goes through the whole day afraid germs are going to kill her. After being obsessed the entire school day, she is cured by a friend, but finds a new obsession that someone is going to kill her. I chose this video to portray my production of quality work because my story is entertaining, and somewhat cleanly shot.



Definition: Knows and produces quality work when shown

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